
First draft

Final sketch

Undercover: first illustration for Sullen Clothing Co.
Illustration and design by Defame, Final text, color and layout by Ryan Smith.

Censored version

Outlaw Justice( originally Hangmen), unused original illustration.
Illustration and design by Defame, Final color, text, and layout design by Ryan Smith.

To The Grave
Illustration, design and text treatment and layout by Defame, Final color gradient by Ryan Smith.

Stay Wild
Illustration and design by Defame, final color, text and layout by Ryan Smith.

Don't Surf The Reaper (original color)

Death Swell (original color)

Last Ride

Surf Or Die
Surf/Summer designs
Illustration, design and color by Defame, Text and layout by Ryan Smith.
Model cedit: Matt Cammarano

Booze Brawl (final color

Veneno (final color)

Devil's Brew (final color)

Alcohol designs
Illustration, color and design by Defame, Text and layout by Ryan Smith.

Nightmare collection illustration.

Nightmare collection package design
Illustration, design, text, color and layout by Defame
Photographer: Chris Cannata

Death of Summer logos and tag designs.

Illustration, design and color by Defame, Text and layout by Ryan Smith.

Swimming With Death
Illustration, color and design by Defame, Text and layout by Ryan Smith.